Prohibited content and moderation does not allow adult content, porn, drugs, or illegal activities.

All content uploaded to holovolo is moderated and must be approved before it is visible to the public. You can view your own content without moderator approval however. We reserve the right to reject or delete any content for any reason. We may reject some content if the 3D processing didn't work well due to incorrect input formatting.

Copyrighted Material

Do not upload copyrighted content to unless you are the copyright holder. To report unauthorized copyrighted material that has been uploaded to and request that it be taken down, contact Refer to for more information.

Prepare your video for upload in VR180 format

There are many different formats of VR video. Holovolo only knows how to process VR180 format. In order for us to work our magic and create a volumetric video, we need your help in preparing videos and photos in VR180 format before uploading. Here are some examples of what is or isn't VR180:


Side-by-side stereo, 180°, equirectangular format

Raw stereo fisheye

Side-by-side stereo, 180°, raw fisheye format
How to fix: use VR180 stitcher first.

Mono 360

Monoscopic, 360°
Not useable with holovolo currently.

Stereo 360

Top-bottom stereo, 360°, equirectangular format
Not officially supported
As a hack, cut in half, re-arrange side-by-side for partially correct result.